Password Saver The secure solution for storing all your passwords.

Folder and Record Templates

After installing Password Saver, you can get started adding folders and records right away, using the many pre-defined folder and record templates. Each template has different data fields based on the type of data you need to record.

For example, the Web site account template defines fields for Web site URL, Username, Password, and Comments. Every time you want to add a new Web site account, just tell Password Saver to add a new Web site account record, and fill in some or all of the data fields. It's that easy!

pre-defined Folder And Record Templates

Folder and Record templates are included for:

  • Web Site Accounts
  • Email Accounts
  • Credit Cards
  • Software Serials
  • Online Banking Accounts
  • Financial Web sites
  • and many more!

If you need to enter data that is not supported by one of the pre-defined templates, you can modify these templates or create your own custom templates!

Key Features

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Password Saver